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A burned section of the forest meets an unburnt section in the North Fire Complex

Forestry Contract Services

Mooretown Forestry Contract Services (MFCS) was established in 2011 to advance the Tribe's Forest Health strategy in response to the growing concerns around climate, and catastrophic wildfire.   Mooretown Forestry Contract Services is  assisting our Tribal community by providing cooperative services to ameliorate these hazards to life and property through partnerships with land managers/owners.


A view of a healthy forest with understory free from downed trees and debris

Fuel Reduction

The goal of fuel reduction projects is to reduce understory canopy and surface fuel loading of natural stands. Mooretown Forestry can mechanically treat forest vegetation or do hand cut and pile work to create a landscape that has reduced fire hazard, increase fire suppression effectiveness, and improved conifer stand vigor and structure. Mastication treatments are designed to modify fire intensity and spread in treated areas by reducing surface, ladder and crown fuels to levels that would also reduce the potential for crown fire occurrence. Site specific treatments to reduce conifer and shrub density area also improve the ability of forest stands to tolerate environmental stressors, including drought, insects, disease, fire, and climate change.

A crew works to place a culvert as part of a road repair. An excavator sits nearby while a crew member is seen compacting the material around the culvert, while others stand near a water truck and talk

Road Repair and Road Decommissioning

The Forest Service manages thousands of miles of roads that must be maintained to provide safe public and administrative access for a variety of uses, including recreation, fire suppression, commercial activities, forest restoration, and other management purposes. Many roads have exceeded their designed lifespan and require repairs. Unmaintained roads and infrastructure can impact water quality and habitat. The need to decommission a road may be to eliminate unneeded roads, reduce chronic sediment delivery, restore hillslope hydrology, or reduce impacts to aquatic, riparian, and terrestrial ecosystems of roads crossings. Mooretown Forestry can provide road construction, repair and decommissioning as appropriate.

A feller buncher prepares to grab a dead tree

Hazard Tree Removal

Hazard tree removal consists of removing dead and/or damaged trees that pose a hazard to people, animals, personal property, utilities, and other structures. After a fire, many trees are weakened from burning around the base of the trunk. These trees can fall over or blow down without warning. After a fire Mooretown Forestry conducts hazard tree removal if they pose a threat to the safety of the cleanup crew or public right of ways.

What We Do

We appreciate the opportunity to work with National Forests and others in providing forest stewardship capacity and employment opportunities for Mooretown Rancheria Tribal forestry workforce while providing for increased protection of natural resource ecosystems (25 USC §5109, 16 USC §594, and 43 USC §1703 and §1712(b)). These partnerships allow our agencies to efficiently manage natural resources while promoting Tribal values and Indian Self-Determination (E.O. 13175/25 USC Chapter 46, and 25 USC § 3109).

The Tribe has benefitted from the Forest Service's commitment to utilizing the Tribal Forest Protection Act, The Indian Self-Determination Act, Good Neighbor agreements, 638 agreements and Joint Secretarial Order 3403. These laws and agreements allow the Forest Service to work with the tribe on an agency-to-agency and government-to-government partnership.


Interested in working with the tribe to accomplish a forestry project? Please reach out to learn more.

A view of an over crowded green forest and a rock outcrop


Mooretown Forestry Contract Services has conducted projects across California and in Nevada. These projects include a variety of hand and mechanical treatments as well as road construction, repair and decommissioning.

A view of a healthy forest with understory free from downed trees and debris

Ways of Working With Us

Mooretown Forestry has a 50 person forestry crews for hand cut and pile work that can be doubled if needed and deployed anywhere with two weeks notice


Mooretown Forestry has a road maintenance and repair crew that can be deployed anywhere for weeks at a time to get the job done.

Mooretown Foresty Contract Services logo
  • Feller Bunchers

  • Log Loaders

  • Log Processors

  • Road Graders

  • Track Dozers

  • Wheeled Skidders

  • 4,000 Gal water Trucks 

  • Track Masticator, Swing Grapple with feller buncher heads (4)

  • Chipper Shredders

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